Page name: Cykes's Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-07 18:43:44
Last author: Rook.
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As expected from Cykes, this room is filled with all sorts of weapons, his favourite: A chain with a hook at the end, is dangling from a shadow, when you get closer, you notice that the shadow has eyes, which stare at you, and before you know it, you're trapped, those eyes belong to Cykes..., and he's happy to see you..., screams of "happiness" are filling the room moments later...

The rest of the room looks medieval, stone walls and a lot of places where you can only see shadows dancing in the light of a single torch, on the table, you see some books, of which one is opened on the page "10 ways to use a hammer" the bookcases all hold books with skin covers, you don't want to know what they're about...

as you walk around some more you notice that the the thing holding the torch is actually a rotting hand!!! when you walk around the pillar, you notice that a face is staring at you with cold, dead eyes, you now realize that the architect never really left this place...

Poe knocked lightly, then opened the door briefly, searching the shadows for her toy, which she accidently left in here. "Where is it??" Then she spots it by a book on the table. She picks up her favorite whip, looks briefly at the book, then leaves.

*follows poe swift and silently*

Poe heads over to her 'special' room..getting ready to leave to go get a toy for herself. In Poe's 'Special' Room, she starts sharpening her knives in preperation, then heads back into her room.

*whispers to himself* "well, well..., how about that..., sneaking into my room and stealing my stolen toy..."

Hears Cykes. " It was my toy in the first place, Cykes. And i did knock...."

"I never said you didn't..."

Poe sticks her head out of the door and looks at Cykes. "I know. I'm getting ready to get a new toy...I'm bored and want something to play with. Want to come?" Looks out the window and sees a person wandering around. "Maybe I won't have to leave after all..."

*grins* "you want a toy, and you're asking me to come? I think I'll decline..., and that's a painting you're looking at..., I don't have windows..."

Poe pouted. "Fine....I'll go over to the closest town....Thats how bored i am...."

"you have your toy..., and perhaps I know some way to entertain you..."

"Really?" Poe lookes over at you interested. "How?? I'm curious to find out."

"how about this?" *pulls a chain, and a bound figure comes falling down from the ceiling*

Poe grins with delight and hugs Cykes before going to the figure. "Thank you SO much! How can I ever repay you? You just saved me a trip outside!!" Pokes the figure, making it swing back onad forth on the chain.

*smiles broadly* "you can borrow my stuff if you like^^^ I have all sorts of equipment..., you should try the knee-cap-splitter..."

Poe shook her head. "No thanks....maybe later." She unhooked the figure from the ceiling and slung him over her shoulder. "You can use the bolo for as long as you like...I won't need it for a bit." She smiled at Cykes and patted her new pet, then walked to her special room.

"you're welcome..."

Poe called over her shoulder. "Do you want ot watch...we have a new trainee...and I feel like sharing my toy."

"a new trainee? is that so...? and can I bring some of my stuff with me?"

Poe grinned."Of course!!"

*whistles as he scavenges the room for equipment* "there I believe I have everything we will need, or won't need..., any way, I'm done^^^"

"Okay! Lets go!!"

"after you, my lady..."

Poe lead tht way to the room of torture where they met Anya and Pup.

cykes reappeared in his room and sighed, after a short glance he noticed that there weren't that many things he wanted to take with him, just some weapons and acessories "strange, never imagined leaving this place..."

Poe walked in behind him and almost bumped into him. "Oops. Sorry." She blushed and backed to the door. "Just tell me what you need help with." she tilted her head to the side. "And I was wndering, what exactly did you mean by the whole unbelieveable thing?"

"oh, I don't really need any help, but just company would be nice..., and about the 'unbelievable' thing, don't worry about it..." cykes replied while taking a few belts and putting thieving tools and lockpicks into the slots attached to them

"Alright." She said. She slowly walked into the room and walked over to the human remains of the torch holder. She smiled and touched his cheek. She then walked over to the chain and hoped up lightly to stand on the end of the hook, watching Cykes. She smiled to herself and noticed something partialy hidden in the floor near his left foot. "Ummm, Cykes... Don't step on that..." She warned.

"hmmm?" cykes replied absently, he then looked down "oh, that's nothing..., the room's full of those things, I need to reinstall this one correctly though, the knife's out of it's socket..."

Poe nodded. "Alright. Just be careful." Poe swung back and forth. "You don't have to leave, you know..." She said quietly to herself. She almost didn't hear herself say it.

cykes shrugged "I don't have to stay here either..."

Poe nodded. “I din’t mean to say that out loud. I’m sorry.” She jumped off of the chain and landed more or less gracefully on the ground. She looked back over at the architect and noticed a loose brick beside his foot. She walked over and knelt beside it, wondering wether to pry it loose. “What is behind this?” She asked Cykes, her eyes flashing mischeiviously.

"hmmm?" cykes looked at the brick "probably more of the architect, you can take a look if you want, I'm almost done here, so I'm off once I've checked everything..."

So youir seriously just going to leave your friends?! what about Pup and Anya?! Poor Anya depended, or still depends on you!! You're one of the only people outside of us who cares enought about her to listen!! Poe waged a silent war in her mind, wanting to through all of these things into Cykes mind, but knowing he probably would get angry. She didnt know that she didn't hold them back as hard as she thought she had when she wiggled the stone loose and reached into the space. She pulled out a scroll tightly bound in leather. She sat down on the stone and opened it. She gasped in horror and threw the scroll away from her. It landed near Cyke's foot and a list of names showed at the top of the page. One name stood out, at least to Poe, in blood red ink. Lexion Ascriot Triste. Her true name. She held her face in her hands, then stood up and looked closely at the architect. Sure enough, his long dead eyes glimmered red.

cykes raised an eyebrow "guess he's not as dead as I thought he was" he then took up his stuff "well, I'm taking these things downstairs for now, I'll leave this evening..." and left the room

Poie stared after Cykes in disbelief, then she shook her head and realized he was perefctly justified. "Afterall.." She resoned. "I did do this." She stood up and grabbed the scroll, rolling it up and looked at the architect. She sighed and dropped the scroll at the feet of the dead man and loked into his eyes, willing herself to see what he saw the last days of his life.

when cykes came back he found poe staring into the architect's eyes "I'm off, perhaps I'll see you around some day" and he went back down, going outside the manor to phase away.

Poe blinked and a single blood red tear fell down her face. She hung her head, then heaved a huge sigh and looked away, having seen enough. She turned to wave goodbye, but found him gone. She ran to the window. Poe raised a hand in farewell and watched him fade away into the dark. "Perhaps you will." she whispered. She turned her back on the window and walked out of the room, grabbing the scroll and took a silver dagger from her belt. She walked to the front door and stood on the porch, watching the night decend, then she looked to the blood forest and ran.

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